Gratuities in the Tanzanian tourism industry generally follow the North American system. Tourists are expected to tip at restaurants and hotels, on safari, and while hiking Kilimanjaro.

Hotels and Restaurants

Tips are expected at high-end luxury hotels and lodges. While tips are also expected at moderately priced safari lodges, not all patrons tip. Tips are not expected at restaurants and hotels frequented by locals. Most tourist lodges and hotels will have tip boxes at the reception desk. You can tip hotel staff individually, place a tip for all hotel staff in the tip box, or do both.

Safari Staff

Driver/Guide: US $10 – US $20 per day per guide

Chef: US $10 – US $20 per day per chef (adventure camping safari only)

Our safari staff should be tipped equally.

Mountain Staff

Head Guide: US$20 – US$25 per day per guide

Assistant Guide: US$15 – US$20 per day per guide

Cook: US$15 – US$20 per day per cook

Porter: US$10 – US$15 per day per porter

Tip amounts listed for safari and Kilimanjaro are per group, not per individual traveler. For instance, if four people are on safari, they should each contribute $5 if they want to tip their driver 20 USD per day.